Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Social Media Marketing, Get To Grips With It...

Overheard in a marketing meeting recently, "Oh, I prefer looking at adverts in a hard copy magazine."

Is this a form of intelectual suicide? Can one really afford to sit back and not engage in cutting edge technology and the most exciting marketing possibilities. A doctor refers you to a specialist for in-depth analysis. Why, because the specialist has kept abreast of latest discoveries, innovations and remedies by spending valuable time researching his particular subject on the web.

Surely then, it goes without saying that, making use of modern technology at our fingertips is the way to go?

The emergence of social media and the resulting shift of control from suppliers to consumers - who increasingly distrust formal advertising and instead make choices based on online word-of-mouth, reviews and referrals from their online friends - constitute the biggest media revolution of our times. Spending on social media advertising has increased dramatically recently while print media advertising is in decline.

Social media also means that, if it is used effectively, any small business can now compete with and have the same global advertising reach as big international companies. Where has this been possible before? An active social media marketing campaign is far more effective than a dull stagnant website or magazine ad.

Because of smart phones and the mobile web, people now have instant access to their social network applications as they travel, which is not possible with their desk PC. Smart phones are going to take over from notebooks and laptops internationally before we know it.

Social media marketing is here to stay, for good. Embrace this technology and prosper.

1 comment:

  1. social media marketing is really helpful for online business presence, services promotion, increase sales, and getting traffic.
